This is my horse. His name is Zoro. He is thoroughbred lipican and he has five years old. For all lipicans is significantly that they are intelligence,obedience and assiduity. All these characteristic are visible by Zoro too. But sometimes he is unruly. Every morning and every afternoon we give him enough quantity of food. Usually Zoro eats hay,carrots,oats,dry bread and maize. Zoro demands a lot of care. I must curry stroke him and sometimes wash him too. The most important is that Zoro stay in clean space. Because of that we must clean it every day. He needs a lot of space for movement. Near our house made I and my father the ranch. There is the big yard, where can our hours take a walk,but in this yard we train them too. Next to the yard we have the shed. There are our horse during the winter. In the summer we take Zoro and other horses on Banjšiče, where they enjoy in the open air. Around meadows are paddocks. In spite of that are horses very demanding and we have a lot of work with them but I do these with pleasure. At home we have many horses but I must confess that is Zoro the best. He is my favourite horse.